XBMC PKGBUILD for raspberry pi

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Re: XBMC PKGBUILD for raspberry pi

Postby tgc » Tue Jul 03, 2012 9:22 pm

$this->bbcode_second_pass_quote('guisacouto', 'C')an anyone please test some x264 video with 720p or 1080p(preferably) and tell me if there is any flickering?
My entire screen flickers with black screens while playing:S

best regards

I've testing my setup by playing the big buck bunny movie 1080 h264 format, and i don't get any flicker. It's a very clean and new install, I more or less just installed the arch image, updated it and installed the xbmc-rbp-git pkg, and running xbmc in 1920x1080 resolution.
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Re: XBMC PKGBUILD for raspberry pi

Postby guisacouto » Wed Jul 04, 2012 2:40 pm

I've just tested with big buck bunny and I get a lot of flickering.
Is there any changes in the firmware or that could inflconfiuence this? I don't have a config.txt, never needed it, but with new updates I don't know if I now need one.. either way, I have no idea what parameters should I set to try solve this..

Are you using any config in xbmc, or in advancedsettings.xml?

best regards
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Re: XBMC PKGBUILD for raspberry pi

Postby tgc » Wed Jul 04, 2012 9:29 pm

$this->bbcode_second_pass_quote('guisacouto', 'I')'ve just tested with big buck bunny and I get a lot of flickering.
Is there any changes in the firmware or that could inflconfiuence this? I don't have a config.txt, never needed it, but with new updates I don't know if I now need one.. either way, I have no idea what parameters should I set to try solve this..

Are you using any config in xbmc, or in advancedsettings.xml?

best regards

As mentioned I use no special configuration
Have you tried the standalone omx player? You can get it from here. Compile and install the pkg and you should be able to play the big bunny movie using the command "omxplayer -o hdmi -pr <file>". If that flickers as well, then something is wrong with your display, or possible your raspberry pi, or its settings.
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Re: XBMC PKGBUILD for raspberry pi

Postby guisacouto » Wed Jul 04, 2012 10:43 pm

Before I did this fresh install I did try with omxplayer and I had flickering.

This doesn't seem to be specifically related with xbmc, probably with omxplayer or something, but while I was trying to figure out what was going on, I discovered that if I was navigating the tv menus I could see the tv hdmi saying 'connecting..' when the flickering appears, so I what I thought was that I was having bad signal.

Then I tested with tvservice and I had the confirmation:

$this->bbcode_second_pass_code('', '
guilherme:~$ /opt/vc/bin/tvservice -M
Starting to monitor for HDMI events
[I] HDMI in standby mode
[I] HDMI in standby mode

When I started playing big buck bunny the first '[I] HDMI in standby mode'. Then I waited a few seconds to see if I could get more output, but nothing..and so I stopped the movie and started it again and got the second '[I] HDMI in standby mode'.
Basically I don't know why but everytime I start an x264 movie my hdmi enters in standby.

This does not happen in openelec so it's not an hardware problem with the raspberry pi, or the tv..

If any one has any suggestions I would appreciate it:)

I've tried 'config_hdmi_boost=7' and 'hdmi_force_hotplug=1' in config.txt without any success.


SOME PROGRESS!!! :D I'm sorry if I'm spamming the topic but I think this might be helpfull for somebody else.
I can get rid of the problem whit this:

$this->bbcode_second_pass_code('', '
/opt/vc/bin/tvservice -o //this turns of the hdmi
/opt/vc/bin/tvservice -p // this turns it on back again

Does anybody know if xbmc has any kind of configuration that enables me to run this commands before when starting playback of something?


Well.. it seems that if i do this hack of turning off and on before xbmc starts everything works as expected; so if anyone experiences the same thing as me just do a simple script to turn off and on and then run xbmc and it will work just fine.

$this->bbcode_second_pass_code('', '
/opt/vc/bin/tvservice -o
/opt/vc/bin/tvservice -p
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Re: XBMC PKGBUILD for raspberry pi

Postby Onyros » Thu Jul 05, 2012 4:14 am

Received my Raspberry Pi this morning, I have almost everything to my taste, video plays well with omxplayer, have audio working pretty well, but I really wanted to try XBMC. Didn't actually try compiling (yet), but the binary (also) segfaults on me. Copied the vc libs to /usr/lib, tried booting with the 128MB start.elf too... close, but no cigar.

Strangely, though, the error log file has very little information. I'll keep posted with any findings on this one :)
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Re: XBMC PKGBUILD for raspberry pi

Postby tgc » Thu Jul 05, 2012 9:09 am

$this->bbcode_second_pass_quote('Onyros', 'R')eceived my Raspberry Pi this morning, I have almost everything to my taste, video plays well with omxplayer, have audio working pretty well, but I really wanted to try XBMC. Didn't actually try compiling (yet), but the binary (also) segfaults on me. Copied the vc libs to /usr/lib, tried booting with the 128MB start.elf too... close, but no cigar.

Strangely, though, the error log file has very little information. I'll keep posted with any findings on this one :)

Just to make sure you're using the right configuration I want to stress that for xbmc to run you need to boot with the "128_start.elf", it is not optional.
And it is not necessary to copy the vc libs into /usr/lib (anymore), since I included a fix in the lastest pkg. Though it shouldn't be a problem if you already have done it.
Have you updated all packages on system? (pacman -Syu)
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Re: XBMC PKGBUILD for raspberry pi

Postby Onyros » Thu Jul 05, 2012 11:10 am

$this->bbcode_second_pass_quote('tgc', '')$this->bbcode_second_pass_quote('Onyros', 'R')eceived my Raspberry Pi this morning, I have almost everything to my taste, video plays well with omxplayer, have audio working pretty well, but I really wanted to try XBMC. Didn't actually try compiling (yet), but the binary (also) segfaults on me. Copied the vc libs to /usr/lib, tried booting with the 128MB start.elf too... close, but no cigar.

Strangely, though, the error log file has very little information. I'll keep posted with any findings on this one :)

Just to make sure you're using the right configuration I want to stress that for xbmc to run you need to boot with the "128_start.elf", it is not optional.
And it is not necessary to copy the vc libs into /usr/lib (anymore), since I included a fix in the lastest pkg. Though it shouldn't be a problem if you already have done it.
Have you updated all packages on system? (pacman -Syu)

Yup, I am booting with the 128_start.elf - no way to miss it, as I keep a status bar on top (in this one I was booting with the 224_start.elf, though, taken before I tried the XBMC binary)


and everything is up to date, it's a squeaky clean install, though I have installed a few things. omxplayer plays well, though I see some hiccups where the screen goes blank for a few seconds and then resumes, may have something to do with the file itself. I'll have to try another one.

I'll try compiling today, it would be a great, great addition :)

edit: Success! Didn't even have to compile it - used the binary -, just had to remove ladspa, caps and alsaequal - I had been trying equalization on a patched version of play.py (which is, itself, a patched version of cplay). BTW, if anyone's interested, it *does* work and it doesn't skip. Anyway, it somehow must have conflicted with this XBMC binary, leading it to segfault.

Thank you, very much, Sir. Happy, happy "customer" here :)
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Re: XBMC PKGBUILD for raspberry pi

Postby bgulla » Fri Jul 06, 2012 5:01 pm

what dock are you using?!!?!?
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Re: XBMC PKGBUILD for raspberry pi

Postby Onyros » Fri Jul 06, 2012 5:40 pm

It's wbar, I've used it for years, doesn't require compositing (which is what drew me first to it).

I will probably have some sort of Exposé/Scale like effect working in a few days, too. I will tell you all about it.

Just as a sidenote: buy *quality* SD cards. I can't stress this enough. I dd'd my last 8GB installation (stretched the original ARM img with gparted to use a full 8GB SD card, after installation), but the first one... completely borked courtesy of a badly manufactured Chinese SD card.

I'm back up and running, but had to reinstall everything last night, again. It was a learning experience.

After you have a satisfactory installation, just back it up. Trust me.

In Linux, you have dd

$this->bbcode_second_pass_code('', 'dd if=/dev/sdX of=archlinuxarm.img bs=1M')

Where sdX = your SD card.
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Re: XBMC PKGBUILD for raspberry pi

Postby CrassPants » Thu Jul 12, 2012 12:49 am

Anyone able to change audio from HDMI to analog using this build? XBMC freezes each time I try under Settings -> System -> Audio
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