Hello all, I just wanted to thank you for the great job with archlinuxarm and the great forum. I have a chromebook as well. I have removed the sticker around the screw and flashed nv-u-boot, I use ratpoison, urxvt, zsh, uzbl, mpd, mplayer(still a bit laggy sometimes), fbdev driver for graphics, distcc. Running great, this pc has become my 24/7 anywhere in town companion, with its 6,5 hour battery life and just 0.9kg weight. I also added an SD card because since you cant easily replace the SSD I was worried about write-wear and put /var, /home and /srv on it, since it can be raplaced easily anytime. Now I have the sd-card 24/7 inside the chromebook, I was a bit woried about the size since it was sticking out so after a quick search I found out that sd card nowadays reside only in the top part of the whole plastick cover, so I cut the card.
This is my story I hope somebody finds it interesting. Thanks again everyone for this great distro. Keep up the good work.