[linux-am33x-headers] arch/arm/kernel/module.lds is missing

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[linux-am33x-headers] arch/arm/kernel/module.lds is missing

Postby JackTheGrinningCat » Thu Dec 20, 2018 1:41 pm


I wanted to build the driver for an rtl8811au usb driver that I successfully build on a BeagleBone Black with the debian image.

I tried it on build it on Arch Linux but the make failed due to following message
ld: cannot open linker script file ./arch/arm/kernel/module.lds

After checking many other options, I looked up debian image I found the modules.lds and created it in the folder and it worked.

It seems to be related to

I think I missed some steps in
1- https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Compile_kernel_module
but as the modules.lds is part of the package source
2- https://mirrors.edge.kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/v4.x/linux-4.19.tar.gz

I was wondering why the package linux-am33x-headers does not have it, even even when the source header has it.
I cannot wrap my head around what I missed, besides parts of Compile_kernel_module which I took for granted by the Makefile.

Well I hope that helps somehow, or if someone stumble over that problem. Just create the file in the folder. Even if the headers are getting reinstalled or explicit removed and installed again (if that makes a difference, it won't get lost. (I tried it)

Kind regards
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Joined: Thu Dec 20, 2018 10:34 am

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