Netgear live parental controls user utility

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Netgear live parental controls user utility

Postby dan64 » Sat Jan 04, 2014 9:38 am

I have compiled with mono the Netgear user utility that allow to login with a bypass account.

More info can be found here:

The original utility run only on windows (since Linux is not supported as targed OS). Luckily the utility has been developed in .NET and I have patched the program so it can run both on windows and any version of Linux having installed mono 3.x.

The usage is simple:

NetgearLPC.exe /login | /status | /logout

/login : login as bypass account (settings are stored in NetgearLPC.exe.config)
/status : show connection status
/logout : logout from the account

The utility can be downloaded here:

If you need mono 3.x for armv7 check this post:

I cannot post the source code but you can use ILSpy
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