[How-To] install my.pogoplug.com service on any armv5 device

This forum is for Marvell Kirkwood devices such as the GoFlex Home/Net, PogoPlug v1/v2, SheevaPlug, and ZyXEL devices.

Re: [How-To] install my.pogoplug.com service on any armv5 de

Postby moonman » Wed Aug 28, 2013 2:50 am

The link is in the O.P = Original Post.
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Re: [How-To] install my.pogoplug.com service on any armv5 de

Postby iTycoon » Wed Aug 28, 2013 2:52 am

Thanks moonman. You reply quickly. Do we need to go through the entire install process again with the Device ID or is there a different procedure for upgrade?
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Re: [How-To] install my.pogoplug.com service on any armv5 de

Postby moonman » Wed Aug 28, 2013 2:55 am

systemctl stop pogoplug
killall hbwd several times until it's killed (check ps -A | grep hbwd)
then upgrade the package and restart the daemon. No need to redo the config.
Pogoplug V4 | GoFlex Home | Raspberry Pi 4 4GB | CuBox-i4 Pro | ClearFog | BeagleBone Black | Odroid U2 | Odroid C1 | Odroid XU4
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Re: [How-To] install my.pogoplug.com service on any armv5 de

Postby iTycoon » Wed Aug 28, 2013 3:06 am

Thanks again moonman. Updated and issues resolved.

Reposting link for thread continuity:
$this->bbcode_second_pass_code('', 'pacman -U http://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/15043728/ArchLinuxArm/my.pogoplug.com/pogoplug-3.3.2-2-arm.pkg.tar.xz')
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Re: [How-To] install my.pogoplug.com service on any armv5 de

Postby iTycoon » Sun Sep 08, 2013 5:44 pm

Looks like there's another update to version 3.3.5. I emailed support because cloud sync and automatic email attachments were not working. Here is the response:

$this->bbcode_second_pass_quote('', 'C')hecking your device, it appears to have an outdated firmware. The newest version is 3.3.5. I understand you have previously experienced similar issues, and I recommend updating the firmware in the same way you have before.

If the above does not work, perhaps your overwrote the original bootloader. If you can still SSH into your Pogoplug, enter this text: "/usr/local/cloudengines/bin/./blparam bootcmd=run bootcmd_original" to restore the original boot loader.

Otherwise, you can build a serial cable and overwrite the firmware and kernel. Links to the most current production images are hosted here

Unfortunately, I am unable to provide further assistance regarding this issue, as the device has been SSHed into and modified and is therefore no longer supported.

I don't need their support when I have this forum!

@grayman4hire, Could you explain the steps you take to sniff out the url for us?

Edit: I know you used urlsnarf on tomato router but how might we get the url if one doesn't have tomato router? I'm looking for a reliable way to get the URL without having to bother others to do it for me and post the process here for others that might want the same.

@moonman, Could you explain how you create the package?

Edit: You have given great help to all here especially getting the my.pogoplug.com service working (biggest help for me). Might you be able to give another tutorial on how you make the packages? I like to learn how to do things myself which is why I sought this forum in the first place. Maybe a separate thread?

If I've asked too much or this information is available elsewhere, please advise.

Thanks to you guys very much!
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Re: [How-To] install my.pogoplug.com service on any armv5 de

Postby grayman4hire » Mon Sep 09, 2013 4:04 pm

I'll look into sniffing out the new update URL this week.

If you don't have a TomatoUSB router, you could probably setup a proxy between your pogoplug and the internet and have all the URL accessed logged. Otherwise you can use a HUB (not switch) and wireshark to sniff network traffic.
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Re: [How-To] install my.pogoplug.com service on any armv5 de

Postby moonman » Mon Sep 09, 2013 6:52 pm

Any Linux based router can use this command to copy all the traffic:

$this->bbcode_second_pass_code('', 'iptables -t mangle -I FORWARD -j ROUTE --gw [ip that's sniffing] --tee')

To create a package... I'll upload a PKGBUILD that I use soon. If you don't know how to use PKGBUILD I suggest you learn how from archwiki.
Pogoplug V4 | GoFlex Home | Raspberry Pi 4 4GB | CuBox-i4 Pro | ClearFog | BeagleBone Black | Odroid U2 | Odroid C1 | Odroid XU4
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Re: [How-To] install my.pogoplug.com service on any armv5 de

Postby iTycoon » Tue Sep 10, 2013 3:00 am

Thanks guys. I will learn more about iptables and pkgbuild. Thanks for pointing me in the right direction. I have dd-wrt on my router. I'll research it when I get some time. In the meantime, I'll be on the lookout for the updated package in the OP.

So my modified pogo running alarm with my.pogoplug.com installed still tries to update?
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Re: [How-To] install my.pogoplug.com service on any armv5 de

Postby grayman4hire » Tue Sep 10, 2013 6:24 pm

Assuming your DD-WRT router has a USB port, you should be able to install optware and urlsnarf to sniff the traffic.

$this->bbcode_second_pass_quote('', '
')So my modified pogo running alarm with my.pogoplug.com installed still tries to update?

No, it shouldn't. Moonman's package adds an entry in the host file to block updates. What I did the last time, was use a fresh, new Pogoplug. However, you should be able to use your existing pogoplug (booted into the default OS, not ALARM), assuming you didn't disable the pogoplug service (if you did, then you need to re-enable it).
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Re: [How-To] install my.pogoplug.com service on any armv5 de

Postby iTycoon » Tue Sep 10, 2013 7:26 pm

I'm not sure how to specify which OS to boot on the pogo plug. I think I managed to blow away the the default OS. I'm not sure but when I tried to revert when I got stuck originally installing alarm, it wouldn't work.

How can I tell? What do I need to figure out?
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