[How-To] install my.pogoplug.com service on any armv5 device

This forum is for Marvell Kirkwood devices such as the GoFlex Home/Net, PogoPlug v1/v2, SheevaPlug, and ZyXEL devices.

Re: [How-To] install Pogoplug software on ANY armv5 with ALA

Postby apowell656 » Thu Jan 31, 2013 5:34 pm

$this->bbcode_second_pass_quote('moonman', 'N')o, conf looks fine unless LIFESTUDIO is not all capitals. Have you tried running it directly? what was the output?

Thanks for the response, between work and messing up the system I had to do a complete reinstall. The good news is that I can rebuild my entire setup in two hours. I was able to get Samba to work through all of this so now I can mount the attached drives locally and for right now am okay.

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Re: [How-To] install Pogoplug software on ANY armv5 with ALA

Postby rino » Thu Jan 31, 2013 5:47 pm

I followed the instructions provided by the OP, and was able to successfully get Pogoplug software on my E02. It works like a charm. I had a minor issue, but I realized I missed on of the steps in the OP, so I had to do a complete re-install, and now everything is working fine!

Thanks moonman for the excellent work with the instructions! Appreciate your help.
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Re: [How-To] install Pogoplug software on ANY armv5 with ALA

Postby rummy » Wed Feb 13, 2013 8:19 pm

I've just used moonman's most excellent instructions to install this on a debian squeezy pogoplug (don't shoot me).

It seems to have worked nicely it worked a dream .. excluding the service level scripts of course.
.. not sure if it can thumbnail and recompress, but then I don't need that.

Many kudos and karma to moonman!
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Re: [How-To] install Pogoplug software on ANY armv5 with ALA

Postby rummy » Fri Feb 15, 2013 9:26 pm

Thumbnails and full-on transcoding seem to work if you create a file named
ffmpeg in /usr/local/cloudengines
chmod +x it.

File contents - you'll certainly want to edit!

NOTE: this isn't exactly *my* file contents, so there might be a typo or two

$this->bbcode_second_pass_code('', '#!/bin/bash
#echo ffmpeg called with "$@" >>/tmp/pogo-ffmpeg.log


# -vframes 1 means only a single frame, a dead cert for thumbnail generation.
# it's a serious shortcut.. but these are the 9th and 10 args
# there's also something about mjpeg in the args and that's another big hint
if [ $9 == "-vframes" ] && [ ${10} == "1" ]
# echo thumbnailing >> /tmp/pogo-ffmpeg.log

# I've chosen to thumbnail 5 seconds in, because 0 seconds in is nearly always black.
/usr/local/cloudengines/bin/ffmpeg -ss 00:00:05 "$@"
# echo NOT thumbnailing >> /tmp/pogo-ffmpeg.log

# -vpre xce means it looks for xce.ffpreset in $FFMPEG_DATADIR, seemed to be missing from original args.
/usr/local/cloudengines/bin/ffmpeg -vpre xce "$@"

Sadly regenerating thumbnails doesn't seem to be available in the pogoplug UI, but you could try
stopping the service
rename directory
start the service
rename it back (possibly using the web UI)

Obviously if you do ask to get it "optimized" for mobile playback the transcoding takes forever!

edited: to replace $* with "$@" so files/dirs with spaces are handled correctly
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Re: [How-To] install Pogoplug software on ANY armv5 with ALA

Postby Socaltom » Sun Feb 24, 2013 5:36 am

Could you explain your thumbnail script a bit more? What do I need to edit about it? Do I need to run it? or will hbplug do it automatically? I"m not getting thumbs on the files I import, but it has created thumbs for items it imported from my phone.
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Re: [How-To] install Pogoplug software on ANY armv5 with ALA

Postby rummy » Mon Feb 25, 2013 7:22 pm

hmm, not a trivial question, not because it's difficult, but because I only really know what works on my system (debian squeeze on a Pink E02).

What I found what that there were NO thumbnails produced for any mp4 videos.
So I did some digging and found that the software didn't seem to be finding ffmpeg, but I did see that it was looking for ffmpeg in /usr/local/cloudengines.

So then I inserted an executable script called ffmpeg at that location and "inspected" what it was being called with.

It's called more than once per movie (I was forcing rescans and touching one of the movies).
Any way, long story short, as far as I can tell ffmpeg is called 3 different times..
1. with very few arguments, this seems to be to get hold of "metadata" like frame size.
2. with a bunch of argument, a pair of which is -vframes 1
looking at the docs for ffmpeg this tells it to extract 1 frame.. a thumbnail if ever I saw one.
3. with a bunch of different args... I guessed this was to transcode akka optimize for mobile viewing.
A bit more playing and I found the -pre xce flag was missing and needed an environment variable.

anyway, I didn't like the default thumbnail extraction of the first frame, so I added the -ss 00:00:05 to take the frame at 5 seconds in as my thumbnail.
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Re: [How-To] install Pogoplug software on ANY armv5 with ALA

Postby moonman » Mon Feb 25, 2013 7:59 pm

I wonder if it's possible to use system's ffmpeg instead of the one supplied by cludengines. The one in repo is v1.1.2 vs v0.6 supplied. Maybe it will be a bit quicker too

$this->bbcode_second_pass_code('', 'pacman -Sy ffmpeg')

$this->bbcode_second_pass_code('', '/usr/bin/ffmpeg')
Pogoplug V4 | GoFlex Home | Raspberry Pi 4 4GB | CuBox-i4 Pro | ClearFog | BeagleBone Black | Odroid U2 | Odroid C1 | Odroid XU4
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Re: [How-To] install Pogoplug software on ANY armv5 with ALA

Postby moonman » Mon Feb 25, 2013 8:10 pm

Fixed the errors in the script (place quotes around variables at line 10, == is comparison operator for strings)
$this->bbcode_second_pass_code('', ' #!/bin/bash
#echo ffmpeg called with "$@" >>/tmp/pogo-ffmpeg.log


# -vframes 1 means only a single frame, a dead cert for thumbnail generation.
# it's a serious shortcut.. but these are the 9th and 10 args
# there's also something about mjpeg in the args and that's another big hint
if [ "${9}" == "-vframes" ] && [ "${10}" == "1" ]
# echo thumbnailing >> /tmp/pogo-ffmpeg.log

# I've chosen to thumbnail 5 seconds in, because 0 seconds in is nearly always black.
/usr/local/cloudengines/bin/ffmpeg -ss 00:00:05 "$@"
# echo NOT thumbnailing >> /tmp/pogo-ffmpeg.log

# -vpre xce means it looks for xce.ffpreset in $FFMPEG_DATADIR, seemed to be missing from original args.
/usr/local/cloudengines/bin/ffmpeg -vpre xce "$@"

Try this after installing ffmpeg with pacman -Sy ffmpeg:
$this->bbcode_second_pass_code('', ' #!/bin/bash
#echo ffmpeg called with "$@" >>/tmp/pogo-ffmpeg.log


# -vframes 1 means only a single frame, a dead cert for thumbnail generation.
# it's a serious shortcut.. but these are the 9th and 10 args
# there's also something about mjpeg in the args and that's another big hint
if [ "${9}" == "-vframes" ] && [ "${10}" == "1" ]
# echo thumbnailing >> /tmp/pogo-ffmpeg.log

# I've chosen to thumbnail 5 seconds in, because 0 seconds in is nearly always black.
/usr/bin/ffmpeg -ss 00:00:05 "$@"
# echo NOT thumbnailing >> /tmp/pogo-ffmpeg.log

# -vpre xce means it looks for xce.ffpreset in $FFMPEG_DATADIR, seemed to be missing from original args.
/usr/bin/ffmpeg -vpre xce "$@"
Pogoplug V4 | GoFlex Home | Raspberry Pi 4 4GB | CuBox-i4 Pro | ClearFog | BeagleBone Black | Odroid U2 | Odroid C1 | Odroid XU4
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Re: [How-To] install Pogoplug software on ANY armv5 with ALA

Postby Socaltom » Mon Feb 25, 2013 8:34 pm

When I upload photos from my ipad or iphone it creates thumbnails. When I upload pictures through the webui from my PC, no thumbs.
Is it possible that it needs a different line to create thumbs of photos, the command in the script seems to be specific for movies.
used to be owned by me
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Re: [How-To] install Pogoplug software on ANY armv5 with ALA

Postby rummy » Mon Feb 25, 2013 9:31 pm

edit: oops this is in response to a Q a few posts back.
Or.. I could read your question.

goto /usr/local/cloudengines
create a file called ffmpeg and copy the code into it.
make it executable (chmod a+x ffmpeg)

to test, upload a new video (ideally a short one) and see if your pogoplug generates a thumbnail image for it.
if that works, you need to get it to re-thumbnail all your existing images.. try the rename trick.

as to the photos Q.. could be I've only looked at mp4 videos so far
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