Helpful Information on using MIPI CSI-2 Devices with Linux

Plugging in devices such as LAN adapters, Wi-Fi cards, printers, etc. to Arch Linux ARM.

Helpful Information on using MIPI CSI-2 Devices with Linux

Postby MjArch277 » Sat Jan 16, 2016 9:49 pm


I have been looking around for a means to directly interface MIPI CSI-2 Sensors (Mobile Cameras mainly) with Linux-Based ARM devices, and found papers from several researchers who have succeeded or at made gains toward using these devices. These types of cameras are used by ARM devices like the Raspberry Pi (with the PiCam).

Video4Linux SoC-Camera Subsystem

CMOS Camera Implementation with CSI based on ARM Processor

Developing CMOS Camera and USB Device Drivers in Linux

Driver Development for CMOS Camera on ARM11 using Linux

There really aren't any/many drivers out there to run these devices on Linux (that I know of), so hopefully this post can help.

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