I'm trying to setup a newly bought Raspberry Pi 4 B with 8GB memory and a 32GB sd-card using the instructions at
https://archlinuxarm.org/platforms/armv8/broadcom/raspberry-pi-4 (so, fdisk, msdos partition layout, etc.), with the $this->bbcode_second_pass_code('', 'ArchLinuxARM-rpi-aarch64-latest.tar.gz') image.
So, I followed the guide, but on the first boot I get
$this->bbcode_second_pass_code('', 'error -5 whilst initializing SD card')
and hangs. Actually, the message is repeated ad infinitum. The sd-card is brand new, and thorough fsck of its boot and root partitions do not indicate any problems on my Linux laptop. dmesg also does not complain.
I'm not new to Arch Linux ARM and have been running it for years on my RPi 1 B units - until it was recently decided to end Arch Linux ARM support for them. Guess it was time to buy new units anyway. I run Gentoo on my x86_64 systems... The point is that I'm pretty sure that I set things up as instructed.
I haven't tried the 32-bit variant yet... but I'm not sure what the gain would be anyway. I might rather go for the 64-bit variant of the Debian-based Raspberry Pi OS if I can't run Arch Linux ARM.
I noticed that kernel8.img is almost a year old, but I guess that just contains u-boot, which might not be updated that often.
Googling the issue doesn't turn up anything really useful, unfortunately...
So, is there anything to be done to get it working? Any hints? TIA!