i'm trying to make my own OS for a RaspberryPi 4 following the LFS Tutorial together with the PiLFS tutorial make_clickable_callback(MAGIC_URL_FULL, '(', 'https://intestinate.com/pilfs/guide.html', '', ' class="postlink"')). I have chosen Arch Linux ARM as the base OS. I installed Arch Linux with this tutorialmake_clickable_callback(MAGIC_URL_FULL, ' ', 'https://archlinuxarm.org/platforms/armv8/broadcom/raspberry-pi-4', '', ' class="postlink"') the ARMv7 Installation.
After that i went on with the PiLFS-Guide and came until point 3: Adding an LFS Partition
Unfortunately i didn't had space left with cfdsk, i had two partitions, the first one was the "W95-Partition" and the second was called "Linux". So i had to shrink that from 29.4 GB to 9.4 GB, as it was told in the official LFS tutorial that about 20GB should be fine.
After that i must do a reboot so that the system recognises the new partition. But when typing "reboot" as root user [root@alarmpi alarm] it tells "Call to Reboot failed: Access denied" also as "normal" user without root privilege it wont work.
Does someone knows how to fix this?
Thanks in advice,