OpenOCD running on a Raspberry Pi can use its GPIOs as a JTAG interface if the module bcm2835gpio is built in:
The package with added features builds on a Raspberry Pi (armv7h) and OpenOCD works afterwards, also tried the JTAG interface with an actual device.
The PKGBUILD is also missing "sysfsgpio" module and has incorrect architecture (x86_64). This has been reported:
Considering all the fixes the final PKGBUILD for openocd-rpi is:
_features=(amtjtagaccel armjtagew buspirate ftdi gw16012 jlink oocd_trace opendous osbdm
parport presto_libftdi remote-bitbang rlink stlink ti-icdi ulink usbprog vsllink
aice cmsis-dap dummy jtag_vpi openjtag_ftdi usb-blaster-2 usb_blaster_libftdi bcm2835gpio sysfsgpio)
pkgdesc='Debugging, in-system programming and boundary-scan testing for embedded target devices (including bcm2835gpio module to use Raspberry Pi GPIOs as a JTAG interface)'
arch=('armv7h' 'aarch64')
...(the following lines of openocd-rpi's PKGBUILD are the same as the original "openocd" PKGBUILD)...